My Name and my Mazal or דע את עצמך

Thursday, January 13, 2011

JewishTeachings: Twelve ages of MAN - Midrash on the "ZODIAC"

Adopted from

Twelve ages of MAN - Midrash on the "ZODIAC"

'Aqrav - Scorpio' - Corresponds to Eagle of the Divine Chariot... [for those who understand].
In the beginning, when he is born, Man is like a lamb (Taleh/Aries) -- soft and delicate.

As he grows, he becomes powerful like an ox (Shor/Taurus).

Then he becomes like the twins (Teumim/Gemini): He sees himself as complete and perfect.

Then his yetzer hara (negative impulse) starts to grow. At first it is as small as a crab (Sartan/Cancer).

But if left unchecked, it becomes as strong as a lion (Arieh/Leo).

If he sins, his yetzer hara puts on the mask of innocence, appearing as pure as a maiden (Betula/Virgo).

And if he continues to transgress, he is placed on the Scales (Moznaim/Libra), and his fate is weighed in the balance.

If he persists in his rebellion, he is sent down to the depths, placed in a pit like a scorpion (Akrav/Scorpio).

However, if he has a change of heart and returns to G-d, he is rocketed out of the
pit like an arrow from the bow (Keshet/Sagitarius).

Then he is transformed, returned to his former state of innocence, and becomes like a
kid (G'dee/Capricorn) -- purified by the waters of the water-carrier (D'lee/Aquarius).

His life comes full-circle when like a fish
(Dagim/Pisces), he luxuriates and basks in the water of eternity, his soul
reposing in the higher world from which it came.

(Note: It appears that, although our sages said: 'Ein Mazal le'Yisrael', that only means that a bad Mazal can be changed through good deeds, but not that the prediction of the Mazal should be ignored. Moreover, a good prediction on the part of the Mazel is unlikely to change.)

in the future Hashem will "Punish" the Zodiac signs
- for all the Havoc they wreaked on all of creation...
Commentary to: Shir Shel Yom R'vii
[in Sidur after Amidah/Ashrei in Shaharit]
A Segulah [charm] to increase one's MAZAL [fortune] - and to SUCCEED.
By spelling: 1) the Letters of one's Name... 2) it's Filling... 3) the Filling of the Filling

The Mekubalim wrote in the name of Our teacher, the Ari {R' Yitzhak Luriah Ashkenazi ztz"l}:
That if a person notices that their MAZAL isn't a SUCCESS, he should
MEDITATE on his NAME throughout the DAY [note: not during prayer services].
For EXAMPLE, if one's name is YAAKOV - WRITE DOWN the following:
י 1) י-ע-ק-ב... 2) יוד,עין, קוף,בית...
3) ועוד יכוין: יוד,ויו,דלת - עין,יוד,נון - קוף,ויו,פה - בית,יוד,תיו

And by doing this, that person FILLS their NESHAMAH-SOUL with SUPERNAL LIGHTS from ABOVE...
And the HIDA [R' Hayim Yosef Azulai] adds: that one may also CONTINUE until NO END. But rather
THREE times [spellings] can SUFFICE [from the principal of: "Hazakah" THREE times to CLAIM].
Sources - מקורות
מקורות: אור צדיקים למהר"ם פאפירש שהביאו בשם האריז"ל,
ערבי נחל בראשית, בפסוק נפש חיה הוא שמו אדרת אליהו לך לך. זכירה לחיים פקודי. ויש קצת ראיה מהאלשיך רות ג, יד
סגולה לאדם לרומם את מזלו ולהצליח - אותיות שמו, מילויו, מילוי מילויו
כתבו המקובלים בשם רבינו הארי: שאם האדם רואה שמזלו לא מצליח, יכוין באותיות שמו [לא בתפילה] במשך היום.
והיינו מי ששמו יעקב יכוין: 1) י-ע-ק-ב... 2) יוד,עין, קוף,בית... 3) ועוד יכוין: יוד,ויו,דלת. עין,יוד,נון - קוף,ויו,פה - בית,יוד,תיו.
ועל ידי זה האדם ממלא את נשמתו באורות עליונים מלמעלה - ומוסיף החיד"א: שאפשר להמשיך עוד, עד לאין קץ, ודי בשלש [בתלתא בחזקה]. י
המושג "תחשוב טוב יהיה טוב" הוא מושג אמיתי ויש לזה סימוכין...
כי איוב אמר בפסוק: פחד פחדתי... ואשר יגורתי... וכתב הרב מעבר יבוק:
כי הפחד והדאגה ירעו המזל, אבל השמחה והבטחון יחזקו אותו
Photo: Mosaic pavement of a 6th century synagogue at Beit Alpha, Israel. Signs of the zodiac surround the central chariot of the Sun (a Greek motif), while the corners depict the 4 "turning points" ("tekufot") of the year, solstices and equinoxes, each named for the month in which it occurs--tekufah of Tishrey, (tekufah of Tevet), tekufah of Ni(san), tekufah of Tamuz

[KING SOLOMON] The SEVEN stages which man goes through. In his infancy he is like a king, fondled, kissed, and made much of. At the age of two or three years he is more like a pig rolling in the mud, etc. When about ten years of age he is somewhat like a little kid, jumping about and skipping. About the age of twenty he resembles the wild horse in his lusts and desires. When married he is not unlike the ass in his dullness and cheerlessness and sleepiness. Becoming a parent, he becomes bold like the dog in his anxiety to obtain sustenance for his family. And in his old age, with his furrows and wrinkles, he is not unlike an ape.
--Midrash, Eccles. 1.
RAHAV a.k.a. Neptune’s new Hebrew name is Rahav.
Originally a mythical name designating the abyss or the sea… mentioned in Iyov and T’hilim…
the sea-monster, the dragon… Talmud, “Rahav” is the name of the demon, the ruler of the sea (“Sar shel Yam”; B. B. 74b)... alludes to Egypt… some see it as meaning “arrogance,” “n...oise,” or “tumult” - applied to the roaring of the sea and to the Egyptians. Until recently, the planets Uranus and Neptune didn't have Hebrew names.
They were just known as Uranus and Neptune. Not anymore. In 2009 the Israel’s Academy of the Hebrew Language promoted a contest asking Israelis to select Hebrew names for Uranus and Neptune. The vote was done through the Internet and the result was as follows: the name oron won for Uranus by 2,808 votes against 1,539 over shahak, and the name rahav won for
Neptune by 2,907 votes against 1,266 over tarshish.

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